Marketing and Audience Engagement

The Gator's Eye is absolutely crucial to our school and is treated as such. In fact, Leadership in Media 1 and 2 (the elective where we work on the site) are given the same level of importance in student schedules as a core class. If someone signs up for LIM, they're guaranteed to get a year-long spot on our staff.
Since The Gator's Eye is the main place where students get news about their local community, we strive to grow our audience and make our site as engaging as possible. We learn valuable skills about reporting, writing, and social connection here, so we want to use these skills in the most efficient ways possible.

I love watching The Gator's Eye's analytics shift over time. They're the easiest way to see what readers enjoy while also simply being fun to study. Below, you'll find pictures of our recent stats.

The photo on top shows our site analytics over the last year. The photo below it shows them over the month of December. Notice how we stayed active over winter break and returned even stronger; though we're inactive in the summer, we always start back strong in the fall. Our site holds engaging stories and constantly strives to grow.

These are our most-viewed stories of the Fall 2022 semester. Below are our most-viewed stories since 2019, when our site was created and I joined the staff.

I also gained access to our Google Search Analytics. Click the images below to see further statistics showing the extent of our engagement!

We have readers from all around the world, checking our site at different times through different methods.

The chart above shows how people view our site, from the landing page to clicking on certain sections to the stories within those sections.

The majority of our readers come from organic searches (students who we have advertised to). This week, that's been about 1000-2000 people daily.

We have readers from all around the world, checking our site at different times through different methods.